3 Useful tips to prepare yourself to go house hunting

January 23, 2024

What are you up to this weekend?

If you are out and about looking for a new property, here are some tips from us to you 🤩

– Make sure you set yourself up for success by getting a pre-approval in place first. This will help you know what your budget is, to avoid disappointment. A pre-approval is when your broker will gather your personal finance details, review your borrowing capacity, discuss lender options and then submit an application to the lender of choice.

The lender will then review the proposed amounts and scenario, and if all is in order, they will offer you a conditional approval. Most lenders pre-approvals last for 90 days and are seen in good light with sellers and agents.

– Go in with a game plan. Know exactly what features you want, or what budget you have if you need to make renovations to the property to adjust for your family.

– Find someone to assist you. There are some great Buyers agents out there who your advocate can be and help you match the property to your needs. Alternatively, if you have a trusted real-estate agent, let them know what kind of property you are looking for and, in most cases, they will keep an eye out on your behalf.

– Most of all, don’t get disheartened. The right property will come and matching it to your wants and needs will means happy life with your new home.

Property hunting can be a very interesting journey but the more you identify what you want, the better the experience will be.

Want to get a pre-approval in place? Reach out to us today!

Book your appointment here!
📧 Admin@yourfinancebroker.co
☎️ 0411 893 627





Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. Information in this article is correct as of the date of publication and is subject to change.