Are you tax ready?

Finance HelpRefinancing My Home Loan
June 8, 2023

It’s that time of year again 🤗

Weirdly I’ve always loved tax time 🤓 mostly because in the finance world, it’s the official end of financial year and a time where we could get a full overview of the year that just was. Figure, figure and more figures. My favorite 😍

What we commonly see though, is clients who leave their tax stuff or possibly even try to avoid it 😁 mostly because it can be a bit of a scary time if your finances haven’t been tracked properly.

If I can give you any recommendations at all, it would be –

If you are a small business invest in bookkeeping software such as MYOB or Xero to help you track your income, expense and also it can keep you up to date with GST or general taxes payable. (if this isn’t your strong suit, find an amazing bookkeeper who will do this for you)

If you are currently working for someone else, things are a little simpler and just keeping track of your work-related expenses will help.

Whether you are self-employed or PAYG, it’s also a great idea to review your current accounts and lending facilities at this time.

– Are you getting the best interest on your savings accounts?

– Is your home loan set up so that you are maximising your interest savings?

– If you have an investment property, do you have the best tax effective product?

Overall, if you have some future financial plans, try and get in to see your accountant as soon as you are tax ready.

Let them know what your future plans are so they can help you navigate through your options that will help you minimize tax and help you get to your goals sooner.

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Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. Information in this article is correct as of the date of publication and is subject to change.