Why Choose a Broker?

Buying My First HomeFinance HelpRefinancing My Home Loan
April 11, 2023
Why choose a broker?
Whether you are a first home buyer or a seasoned investor, the finance world can be large with a lot of noise and jargon… rate rise, LMI, FHOG’s, offset account, redraw…..
It can make the whole process very overwhelming and even scare you off from taking that next financial step.
Having Your Finance Broker on your side, means you have a financial specialist doing all the leg work for you, with your best interest in mind.
Why choose a broker over a lender?
1. Best interest duty – Mortgage brokers are legally obligated to act in the customer’s best interests when providing credit assistance. Best interest duty doesn’t apply to banks and lenders, so they aren’t required to keep your best interests in mind.
2. Less work for you – we do all the research based on your needs and provide you with a minimum of 3 options you can choose from. This can save you hours of visiting all the different lenders and booking appointments just to find out information we already have at our fingertips.
3. Having a single point of contact to deal directly with the lender on your behalf. This is so valuable, as Brokers have special access straight to the business managers or credit assessors of your lender. If you go to a lenders branch, you have to go through a lot of people and red tape to have this same access.
4. There is no cost to you – we get paid by the lender you choose once your loan settles. This means no outlay for our service.
5. You’ll have more home loan feature options because, more lenders to choose from!
6. Plus, an expert on your side that loves finding ways to help save you money, build wealth and create a financial legacy for your family.
Yep, that’s us 🙋🏻‍♀️
Reach out today to chat to Your Finance Broker and find out what your options are.
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Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. Information in this article is correct as of the date of publication and is subject to change.